
tonyland » Blog Archive » To Come - Flock Road Map

tonyland » Blog Archive » To Come - Flock Road Map


downloadling this as I type...seems curiously interesting


smugmug - The ultimate in photo sharing. Online photo albums, photo sharing, photo hosting and photo storage.

Whoa...check this sit out...it's a google map hack...very interesting...
need to explore watermarking for my digi pics...

smugmug - The ultimate in photo sharing. Online photo albums, photo sharing, photo hosting and photo storage.

Blogger Developers Network - Check out the Photolightning link

Blogger Developers Network

I'm going to SEMA

Saggio11 hooked me up and I'm heading down on Nov 2. woohoo....
orbitz.mgm grand.suite.booked. alaska ff first class tix.booked.


see you there...



About Google Desktop

Desktop 2.0. Lost my to do list and scratch pad, but I copy/pasted it into a txt file and took a screen capture of my to do list...Hopefully this will solve my CPU issues....

About Google Desktop: "20051010-en"

Google Throws a Haymaker

Holy crap. Google is up $32 in after hours trading right now. whoa...

Google Throws a Haymaker

Good first review of Video iPod

Video iPod : Page 1

When will they stop?

20 October 2005
1:02PM EDT

Image copyright weather.com
Direct link: Weather.com

Check out the Atlantic / Carribean Sat map to see the other depressions that are still lining up off the west coast of africa.


Calendar:Lightning - wiki.mozilla.org

If the folks working on Thunderbird can implement a simple calendaring and task mgmt system with hooks into Exchange, I just might be able to ditch Outlook altogether. I gotta check this out, as I recently switched back to Outlook after using Thunderbird as my mail client at work for the past month. The only thing I wasn't able to do (which really blows) is accept/reject meeting invites. My workaround of syncing with My Yahoo! Calendar works, but is a less than desirable solution. The cool thing with using My Yahoo is setting up SMS reminders for meetings that are delivered to my razr. very helpful...

Calendar:Lightning - wiki.mozilla.org

Podcasting on my RAZR? Melodeo

This should be a fun exercise...check it.

Melodeo - Home

NeuNeo High Definition DVD player | High Definition DVD Player | 1080i DVD | 720P DVD | Upscale 1080i | High Definition scaler

This is awfully tempting for my recently acquired 32" Samsung LCD flat panel.

NeuNeo High Definition DVD player | High Definition DVD Player | 1080i DVD | 720P DVD | Upscale 1080i | High Definition scaler

Cingular Rolls out HSDPA 3G network in Seattle, Dallas, and Phoenix

I gotta get me an HSDPA gadget for my cingular SIM...
can only imagine what the cost will be....
guess you gotta pay to play...

fat pipes = empty pockets

Link to Article on Cingular's new high speed data network...

Adam Bosworth's Weblog: Speaking up

Adam Bosworth's Weblog: Speaking up

Great commentary from Adam on the current [sad] state of affairs in our once beloved country and around the world. Couldn't agree more with your perspective Adam. What really infuriates me are the folks in Kansas pushing their wacked out agenda, completely ignoring the well established peer review process that forms the backbone of the scientific community. As someone with a degree in the biological sciences, this REALLY upsetting.

Adam's right, it is time to speak up. In addition to the donations I've made to support the relief efforts for the Tsunami, Katrina, Rita, and the earthquake in Pakistan, I've donated more $$ this year to political orgs than ever in the past.

Unfortunately, this alone is not enough.

We need to mobilize.
We need to strategize.
We need to organize.
We need to collaborate.
We need to communicate.
We need to speak out.

Come on people [geeks, engineers, scientists, researchers, thinkers, scholars, educators - take NOTE] - let's figure out how to put the bleeding edge technology, software, and gadetry that we take for granted to use in new and ingenious ways to unify our voices and speak out against the hipocracy.

With that, I'll leave this rant with a final thought - it's a pretty sad day when the most accurate news I get comes from Comedy Central.

Jon Stewart for President 2008


2005 SEMA Show | Home

Uhhh...so I've got a free pass to this show...just booked a first class FF ticket on alaska and a room at the MGM...oh boy...here we go...fun fun fun...maybe I'll see the future in dvd/nav systems...wouldn't it be sweet to have google local accessible via touch screen on a bleeding edge double din dvd/nav setup? is it really too much to ask for?

2005 SEMA Show | Home

Seattle's M:Metrics set to raise $7 million

Somehow stumbled across this article...former colleague is apparently connected to this startup...mark donovan...ping me....sent you a comment on yer blog...holla.

Seattle's M:Metrics set to raise $7 million


Wikipedia - what's going on at Google TODAY

Google - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Relax, Bill Gates; It's Google's Turn as the Villain - New York Times

just a pointer to an article I read a while back on GOOG v MSFT

Relax, Bill Gates; It's Google's Turn as the Villain - New York Times

The .NET Sweatshop (v2) : "99 Problems (the Google Re-mix)"

interesting blogpost I stumbled across tonight...hehe

The .NET Sweatshop (v2) : "99 Problems (the Google Re-mix)"

google Wi-Fi ??? in SFO only...for now.

Google wi-fi...have not heard anything about this since this article broke last month.

[note to self - next time I'm in SFO, see if I can find a G-[hot]spot]

Google Download Hints at Wi-Fi Service

Biggest Wi-Fi Cloud Is in Rural Oregon - Yahoo! News

Finally...a consumer-focused application of wi-fi tech with the potential to help solve problems that might be applicable to an average joe...or in this case...a farmer.

Biggest Wi-Fi Cloud Is in Rural Oregon - Yahoo! News: "While his service is free to the general public, Ziari is recovering the investment through contracts with more than 30 city and county agencies, as well as big farms such as Hale's, whose onion empire supplies over two-thirds of the red onions used by the Subway sandwich chain. Morrow County, for instance, pays $180,000 a year for Ziari's service."


SLAX index page

This might just do it for my netOS.

SLAX index page

Linux.com | Run GNU/Linux from a USB pen drive

Seems like one of these should suffice as a baseline hot bootable OS dist for my 100GB USB 2.0 HDD. Think I'll check out the KillBill dist.

Linux.com | Run GNU/Linux from a USB pen drive

Critical Windows patch may wreak PC havoc | CNET News.com

More proof that MSFT just doesn't get it.

On a side note, check out the flash control on the lower right portion of this page. Some sort of concept linking gizmo...very topic-mapish.

note to self - check out underlying tech behind this control.

Critical Windows patch may wreak PC havoc | CNET News.com

Computerworld | Desktop apps coming to the Web: Google

Further proof of the emerging netOS...

Google? Yahoo? MSFT? who will be the first?

Computerworld | Desktop apps coming to the Web: Google