Seen one, seen em all?
Ok. There is a reason why I posted the previous screenshots. See post below re: MSFT Live and live.com. Microsoft is finally catching up to the likes of Yahoo! and Google. live.com is only the beginning. I smell office.live, sql.live, .net.live, vs.live, etc. etc. they've got to service enable everything they've got...and then hook it into windows.live and push it out to every device that is capable of connecting to the network.
hmmm...perhaps I need to rethink some of my previous commments directed at my neighbors in Redmond. The day I can access windows from Firefox is the day I bow down to Micorosft and say, "Bill, you win." Take my first born...
enough ranting for now. live.com is certainly going to shake things up down in the valley at yahoo and google.
Microsoft to Enter Online Services Market
We all knew it was coming. Now it's *live*
Microsoft to Enter Online Services Market
Relevant links:
Microsoft to Enter Online Services Market: "Microsoft to Enter Online Services Market"
Microsoft to Enter Online Services Market
MSFT drops an a-bomb ...aimed directly at the new dark side down in mountain view.
Microsoft to Enter Online Services Market
I don't think my nano is supposed to look like this.
or this
or this
or this
or this
1. put nano in pocket with moto razr phone.
2. get in car, go get hair cut
3. drive home
4. take nano out of pocket
5. shock and awe ;-[
pretty pls?
Google chase could trip up Microsoft | Tech News on ZDNet
the gorilla's are lining up for battle
Google chase could trip up Microsoft | Tech News on ZDNet
The threat of web based software | TECHNOLOGY | NEWS | tvnz.co.nz
Apparently something big is going to be announced from our friends in Redmond today. Confirmed on an analyst call earlier this morning. Stay tuned. Google, Yahoo, eBay, Amazon - here comes MSFT. look out.
The threat of web based software | TECHNOLOGY | NEWS | tvnz.co.nz
Pic of the day: MSH05_aerial_crater_dome_from_SW_10-18-05.jpg (JPEG Image, 3008x2000 pixels) - Scaled (49%)
Really cool site of composite movies of St. Helens at night:
Mt St helens - Aerial View of Crater from Southwest - from Oct 18, 2005
Source: USGS - MSH05_aerial_crater_dome_from_SW_10-18-05.jpg (JPEG Image, 3008x2000 pixels) - Scaled (49%)