
Apple - Support - iPod - Out-of-warranty Battery Replacement Program - FAQ

I guess this is where I need to go submit a request to replace my ipod battery. To recap the ipod situation, I was able to track down a backup of my itunes music (about 6000+ songs), but when I try to hook up my ipod to my Dell D800 laptop via USB2.0, I'm able to connect, but after the file transfer starts (to transfer all my songs from itunes to the ipod), the battery dies QUICKLY and I'm not able to successfully complete the transfer. Now I'm having trouble getting my music to show up in itunes. I'm about ready to ditch this thing altogether. Not sure if I want to shell out 65.95 to replace the ipod.

Rhapsody...here I come.

Apple - Support - iPod - Out-of-warranty Battery Replacement Program - FAQ