
some interesting web2.0 links


here are the top 2.0 sites that I'm using on a somewhat regular basis:

best tagging sites:

1. http://del.icio.us
2. http://myweb2.search.yahoo.com
3. http://kaboodle.com

best blogging sites:

1. http://blogger.com
2. http://technorati.com
3. http://

most useful web2.0 services
1. http://soonr.com
2. http://deli.icio.us
3. http://

best web2.0 picture mgmt services

1. http://picasa.com
2. http://flickr.com
3. http://shutterfly.com

best web2.0 rss aggregators:

1. http://bloglines.com
2. http://my.yahoo.com
3. http://reader.google.com
4. http://live.com

5. http://start.com

top newly discovered web2.0 gems:

1. http://www.hamachi.com
2. http://writely.com

top web2.o maps/local

1. http://local.google.com
2. http://maps.yahoo.com
3. http://mapquest.com

top web2.0 classifieds

1. http://craigslist.org
2. http://base.google.com

top social networking sites:

1. http://linkedin.com
2. http://orkut.com
3. http://

best web2.0 mail:

1. http://gmail.com
nuff said. all other mail accts flow to gmail. oh - and I have like 15 gmail accounts that I use for different purposes (e.g. R&D, news aggregation and archival, network storage, etc etc).

top public groups sites:

1. http://groups.yahoo.com
2. http://groups.google.com
2. http://groups.msn.com

this list could go on and on and on...

here's an interesting tag cloud:

web2.0, ajax, internet, wireless, mobile, technology, bleeding edge, blog, blogging, .net , 2005 ,ajax , apache, apple, art, article , articles, audio , blog, blogging , blogs , book ,books ,business ,comics ,community , computer , computers ,cool , css , culture ,daily ,del.icio.us ,design , development, diy ,education ,email ,entertainment ,film , finance ,firefox ,flash , flickr , food ,free ,fun, funny , gadgets , game , games , gaming ,geek , google, graphics, hack , hacks ,hardware , history , home , howto , html, humor ,illustration , inspiration , internet ,ipod , java ,javascript jobs ,lifehacks , linux , literature , mac, marketing ,media , microsoft ,mobile , movies , mp3 , music , network, news , online, opensource , personal photo ,photography , photos , photoshop , php ,podcast, ,politics ,portfolio , productivity , programming , python, rails ,reference , research , reviews , rss ,ruby ,science , search ,security , shopping , social, software, sports , tech , technology ,tips , tool ,tools, toread, travel ,tutorial , tutorials , tv ,video, web ,web2.0 ,webdesign ,work