
Stupid stupid stupid. Just watching local news and report of a skier who died up at Mt. Baker over the weekend. Damn.

Still waiting to see news post online with details. Early reports were person was lost in backcountry. Backcountry wasn't even oven, as far as I know. It would have been a really poor decision to venture off into either the Canyon or the backcountry this past weekend with all the snow. Also just saw a report where Mt. Baker issued a warning to skiers and snowboarders to not ski alone off main trails. A good idea indeed.

My post from Thursday is testament to the importance of knowing what you are getting yourself into when skiing at Mt Baker. As someone who has been skiing at Baker for 10+ years, I've had my own close calls and know how easy it is to get yourself into trouble -- even while in bounds. I wasn't kidding when I went through the ritual of preparing for my deep powder experience at Mt. Baker last Friday.

It's a damn shame that I have to see news reports like this one. People really need to get educated and be smart when it comes to skiing the deep cascade powder. My condolences to the family of the skier who lost their life.



Laura said...

Glad you are smart! And a shame for the skier who didn't make it yesterday... Another snow day tomorrow! Come on over early... we're here and getting a little stir crazy!