I go to Friendfeed. Apparently, so do a lot of other people. It's cool to see the conversation light up over at Friendfeed when Twitter goes down. I've seen this happen a couple times now. I find it a fascinating to see it unfold. Don't get me wrong, I'm a HUGE Twitter fan, but the outages are getting old, especially with the rapidly growing ecosystem of third party Twitter sites.
To send a message to Twitter, that we are sick of the downtime, some are suggesting a Twit-Out! A day where you boycot Twitter and move the conversation to Friendfeed (and possibly other socnets?). Thanks to Shay for starting this meme, and Bwana, Susan, and everyone else on Friendfeed who got the conversation going!
At this point, it's not entirely clear where we are "taking the conversation", but I think the idea is to boycott Twitter next Wednesday (May 21, 2008) and continue the converation over at Friendfeed. What do you think? I'm game. Not that I really think it will have much affect on Twitter uptime, but I'll be keeping an eye on the conversation to see where it goes.
I'm finding that there are somereally interesting conversations happening on Friendfeed these days and a Twit-Out! might be a great way to see how many people on Twitter will move their conversations to Friendfeed. I think there will definitely be some resistance to this idea by the Twitterati faithful.
It's unfortnate that we don't yet have DataPortability for syncing friends across socnets, because I have a lot more friends on Twitter than I do on Friendfeed. Either way, I'll be following the conversation unfold.
It's a Twit-Out! When Twitter Goes Down, Where Do You Go?
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