Three days ago I had no idea that this event was happening. I happened to be trolling the FriendFeed river of meta, when I see this conversation thread that Robert Scoble started. I hopped over to and found the post on the event. Unfortunately the link to get the juicy details took me to the deep dark abyss of a socnet I call Facebook.
I had previously deactivated my Facebook many months ago when the Beacon and Scoblegate news broke. I've been quite content keeping my account in deactivated status until I couldn't get the info for the event that Robert commented about in another conversation on Friendfeed.
So I decided that it was worth reactivating my Facebook account to see what this event was all about and I'm glad I did. Warren sums up the morning events quite nicely with his blog post here. It was great to meet some of my existing twitter "friends" in person, putting a name to an avatar as Warren puts it, and to make some new friends as well. Really good conversation.
It's always a pleasure to have a few minutes to speak with Scoble, and I got to meet Rocky as well. Great people all around. Thanks to Jeff Pulver for organizing this unique and interesting event.
Next up: barcampseattle this weekend! I might bust out my post its and lead a panel/session. Will see.
Social Media Tagging Breakfast w. Jeff Pulver, Robert Scoble, & Friends
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