
How much is too much? How many online accounts do you have?

How many online sites/services do you belong to? Here's an attempt to enumerate the ones I've signed up for at one point or another. It is by no means exhaustive, but I wanted to try and get this list started after thinking (again) about the topic of socnet fatigue and the sheer number of sites that I have at one point or another established an account on. In no particular order, here's my list: 

  1. Gmail
  2. Yahoo Mail
  3. Hotmail
  4. eBay
  5. Amazon
  6. Paypal
  7. del.icio.us
  8. Blogger
  9. Wordpress
  10. Netvibes
  11. Twitter
  12. Pownce
  13. Jaiku
  14. Talkshoe
  15. Skype
  16. AIM
  17. ICQ
  18. MSN
  19. Youtube
  20. Viddler
  21. Revvr
  22. Ma.gnolia
  23. Flickr
  24. Picassa
  25. Ustream
  26. Stickam
  27. Justin.tv
  28. Feedburner
  29. MyBlogLog
  30. Technorati
  31. Digg
  32. CNN
  33. King5
  34. Slashdot
  35. Seesmic
  36. Oovoo
  37. Mahalo
  38. Friendfeed
  39. MyopenID
  40. Twitxr
  41. itunes
  42. Y!Live
  43. Joost
  44. ImInLikeWithYou
  45. Kaboodle
  46. Godaddy
  47. Fanfire
  48. Comcast.net
  49. Zigtag
  50. Ping.fm
  51. Last.fm
  52. 103bees
  53. 30boxes
  54. Slashdot
  55. Zoomr
  56. SecondLife
  57. Feedburner
  58. PlayCafe
  59. Askville
  60. Orbitz
  61. Expedia
  62. Hotels.com
  63. Wikipedia
  64. Pandora
  65. Reddit
  66. Fark
  67. Mixwit
  68. Muxtape
  69. Socialspark
  70. Tangler
  71. ...
Surely there must be more. I'm sick of thinking about it and am moving on to something else. Will update this post as appropriate. 


Anonymous said...

About the saame amount.but that includes hosting and ftp accounts et c as well. I agree. Something has to happen and Open ID may be part of the solution.