
Ran into Chris and Ponzi Pirillo at Fast Pitch today

guess who i ran into :)
Originally uploaded by Brian Daniel Eisenberg

I just happened to be scanning Upcoming yesterday and found an interesting event happening in West Seattle today.

See: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/660044/

Basically was a fast pitch event where entrepreneurs get 2 minutes to pitch to a panel of VC types and also get questions from the "crowd". I streamed it live on UStream (as did Chris Pirillo).

I've interacted with Chris on several occasions online, but never met him in person. Was good to finally meet him and Ponzi. Good people all around.

So the event was pretty cool. I sat next to a bunch of folks who work for Amazon and specifically for AWS. Funny how being at the right place at the right time makes all the difference.

Then I met the guy who basically was behind MTurk, who was one of the entrepreneurs who pitched to the panel/crowd.

So 1.5 hrs of time spent quite well. Got at least 3 new contacts at AMZN and also guy from MIT. I'm thinking about trying to build one of the engines I have sketched out. Already have the perfect domain. Just need time and a couple of coding ninjas to execute on this plan.

Will ponder this as I sip ice cold drinks at my sister's in Ballard, which is where I'm heading right now.


In order of importance: Yahoo services I rely on.

1. Flickr
2. Del.icio.us
3. Upcoming (updated)
4. Pipes
5. MyBlogLog (updated)

That's about all I can come up with lately.

What other services do you use from Yahoo? Follow the conversation on Friendfeed

Update: mybloglog is another service I used to use a while back. Thanks to Mike Doeff for the reminder about MBL.


what do you think?

what do you think?
Originally uploaded by pplpwrd

Friendfeed gets more social with new "Like" enhancement.

Can now expand and see all "Likes" for stuff on Friendfeed
Originally uploaded by pplpwrd

You can now expand and see the names of everyone who "Likes" something on Friendfeed, a highly desired feature from a lot of early adopers, myself included. Good stuff.

Infinitely meta

DIY mirror project. v1. essential for bending streams
Originally uploaded by pplpwrd

A new name for my poor neglected blog. I do intend to eventually migrate this to a custom Wordpress setup, but for now this will do. Just configured blogger to point to one of my existing domains.

With that I welcome you to infinitely meta.

I'll explain the concept behind infinitely meta in a future post.