
blogger is really starting to annoy me

UPDATE: So I recently submitted a request to have my blog reviewed by the blogger team because somewhere I saw that it got flagged as a possible splog. Anyway, they told me to logout and login again and I should be all set. So I did that and now saw that I had the option of upgrading to the new Blogger beta. Well, after about 20 minutes of cutting/pasting from my old blogger template, I think I've more or less pieced it back togther. I have not figured out how to edit / add to my blog post comments / links / footer where i'd like to add links to technorati, add del.icio.us, swarm, etc, but I have yet to figure it out. Please let me know if you have any issues viewing the new template.


Since my recent return to being an active contributor to the blogosphere, I figured I'd give my crufty blogger site a makeover and optimize for SEO and widgetize my sidebar. While I'm pleased with the direction I'm heading, I'm about ready to pull my hair out with the Blogger system. Maybe I've outgrown it. As an old school HTML code slinger, who got started in the webdev back in 1995 (can you say cgi-bin), I need more control over the design, layout, and management of my site.

I think it's probably time to move my blog off of the blogger servers and host it somewhere else. I can devote one of my aging Dual Pentium III 933mhz boxes as a web server. yeah. I think that's what I'll do. I could conceivably grab the latest Ubuntu dist and setup a nice simple wordpress server.

Open question to folks who roll their own blog site and host on their own servers / domain,

What is the best setup today for a home-hosted site? Ubuntu/Wordpress seems like a logical recipe for success.

What do you think I should do?