
cross post on web3.0 links from my multiply.com site

Might as well start here. I think that web3.0 hype is about to get insanely out of control OR I think it will wither and die.

Don't believe the Web3.0 hype - check it out technorati style - Here are posts that contain Web3.0 per day for the last 365 days.

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There seems to be enough buzz to set web3.0 off, but time and users will ultimately tell. Here's my initial list of web3.0 links along with some personal commentary.

Ready for list off? Here's the beginning of the web3.0 Hype Cycle --

Start here:

[2] http://blogs.zdnet.com/SAAS/?p=68 One blogger's perspective on 3.0 - lots of hype, but some pretty interesting ideas and predictions. Some of it is laughable, but lots of folks seem to be jockying to position themselves around the 3.0 buzz that has yet to really catch on. Some think it might just fizzle, but then all of a sudden it shows up on last sunday's New York Times [1]. ?!?!?

[3] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/ - W3C Semantic Web Activity - This is Tim Berners-Lee's age-old brainchild. I recall having drinks with TBL back in 2000 debating the merits of RDF, topic maps, and metadata at one of the W3C summit meetings in Boston. The Semantic Web activity, while typically a slow moving activity that was way ahead of its time, yet many of its specs/standards took a while to migrate out of purely academic applications to being relevant/useful in a business context.

RDF and related metadata initiatives fall under this working group. web3.0 starts to take some of these concepts and apply them into the enteprise and for specific business contexts. Building upon the success of 2.0 in "wooing" the consumer space and the empowering the masses, web3.0 solutions / services will be much more targeted, focused, and business-specific. At least that's what most of the 3.0 articles / commentary / buzz i've tagged in [4] below seem to be talking about.

web3.0 is trying to be the realization of the web2.0 phenomena in a business context. 3.0 will spin business uses for 2.0 concepts, techniques, and phenomena like the "collective intelligence", "mashups", "tagging", "social bookmarking", "social networking", "blogging", etc. Salesforce.com is probably the model company who first capitalized on this opportunity.

More links here:

[4] http://del.icio.us/bdeseattle/web3.0 - My del.icio.us bookmarks / tags for web3.0

[5] http://del.icio.us/tag/web3.0 - all del.icio.us tags for web3.0