
Late night wrapup...uhhh..make that early morning wrapup

OK. It's 2:11am and I've been posting like a madman over at the recently launched Techcrunch Forums. I've finally found a venue to post a thread on the topic of tagging, socialsoftware, and the issues I have with today's tagging systems. Thanks to Michael Arrington and the team over at Techcrunch for rolling out another vehicle to build the community. Great stuff.

Oh and while I'm at it, please forgive the mess here on my blog. I'm so friggin #@!$@!#$ed off at the "New Blogger", that I MUST MUST MUST get my Ubuntu server setup, dialed in, loaded with Wordpress, and extract my feed to a dedicated server. I can't wait for the day to rid myself of my dependence on Blogger. With that, I'm calling it a night..err morning.

After all I have the Comcast guy who is supposed to show up tomorrow morning from 8-11am to swap out my existing Motorola HD-DVR with a new one that has a BIGGER hard drive -- and get this -- it's not costing me a dime!!! I'll post some more nuggets on how to get Comcast to kick down a brand spankin new HD-DVR with a bigger HDD.